The vines and the environment

The Terroir

The Vines and Environment

Our constant challenge is to bring our vines to naturally produce the best juice. We are proud to say that this challenge is met ordinately.

Our commitment

It is very important to transmit a legacy which is both sound, and enhanced, to future generations

We started farming responsibly in 1997 and have, through the years, applied it to the whole estate.

Jean-Pierre Marniquet became aware of the environmental challenges the wine industry is now facing some 20 years ahead of the other winegrowers of the region, and pledged to come out head high of this agonizing system.

This commitment to respecting nature and, generally, our daily actions, have led our farm to receive two certifications "Haute Valeur Environnementale" and "Viticulture Durable en Champagne" (High environmental value and Sustainable viticulture).

Respecting nature is one of the secrets of the quality of our champagnes.
JP Marniquet

Daily actions

Jean-Pierre Marniquet has always been on a quest for cultural practises proven to be consistent with his environmental values and ancestral methods.

  • natural grass ground cover,
  • responsible pest control,
  • thorough vine pruning and selection,
  • manual harvest, etc.

In 2010, we decided to ban soil fertility chemical inputs altogether on our farm.

In just a few years, we observed that our vines developed deeper roots and that there was more life in the ground around them.

What about biodiversity?

In 2019, six beehives were added to the family vineyards. We planted a 250m-long melliferous hedge for our bees...

And... on the foothills of the vineyards: an orchard of 25 fruit trees, with carefully selected varieties, on the advice of specialised nurseries.

We are delighted with some unexpected consequences to our choices!

These daily actions have led to an unexpected consequence: when we taste our champagnes, we find their identity more obvious, firmly expressing the typicity which we wish to reveal in all our champagnes.

Inspiré par la nature
Inspired by nature
Champagne Marniquet & Filles EN

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